Student realizes they aren't actually real
New student Barry realizes that these articles are just propaganda made by the author in a shocking revelation
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A really long sentence to test text wrap or something like that although I probably could have used lorem ipsum if the internet wasn't down when I wrote this. Ah well, it's probably long enough now.
Joke about housing being slow
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Desmos 4 Function Calculator
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Did you know that 1/3 people are real?
Ther are more spiders than you can count
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it's duck time
I really like analogy. It's one of my favorite topics, right there behind Topology and Speleology. Not gonna lie though, it's sometimes tiring to think, like have you ever tried it? it's super hard.
New student Barry realizes that these articles are just propaganda made by the author in a shocking revelation
We found them.
It's true, although I also reamembered that it's sorta rude so I'm gonna refrain from doing it in case anyone doesn't like hearing swear words. Sorry about the image I hit upload before I added the text :(
It won't stop appearing. I'm worried it may have invaded reality. If you see this, you should run now.
I hope you realized this. The other third are complete bogus and will probably contain nonsense. I just hope that the right ones aren't true... for your sake
Knowing the universe can be hard. I wouldn't recommend. If you do though, you meet a fate worse than that you've ever known.