Sigma Upsilon Sigma

Amalgamating Many Original Groups, Uplifting Society

Orange astronaut

Join the SUSsiest frat around

Over many years we have grown strong and numerous. Forsaken by the forsakers the groups involved have toiled in trials upon which suffering has occurred. Not with blood, but with air can we breathe, although many have thought that the other may have been the case at some point. In any how case time, there is a need to talk about the benefits provided by the group.

Look at all these hecking testimonies!

Massive Community (REAL)

Look at all these people! And now for some more sponsorship

Welcome to my mine, play that note block nicely, however what if you were tired and were unable to, perhaps, play the metaphorical note block in a nice way? With All Stat, you too can revitalize your previous and achieve a future. BUY NOW!

It's very real!!

Ignore the watermark, that's just a camera issue

Did you know that one in three are actually real? Perhaps in the case of the first, there was no second, however with the inclusion of a third, there is definitely a second! Many may not have considered this in due time, however it appears to be true for all cases relating to the final.

I spent way too much time animating this

It's true! I've been writing this for like 1.5 hours

I hope you appreciate how much work this takes... Otherwise I would be sad! And that would be less than optimal for this website's continued existence.

Important Information

Old guy with glasses

Think Smartly

Really smartly

People drinking coffee outside


Or be SUSsed

A person chokes a second person

Internal Strife

Pvp battle

Old man's head

The man

Our patron, the man has been real for all of history and will not accept failure.

People pointing up

These articles are SUS

We really agree with their content and how they handle punctuation